Ticketmaster Redesign

Briefing – In the student project, we redesigned a digital product conceptually and designwise. Based on iterative product development, we created a new user experience by defining user needs and defining the design using various methods.

Role – We all got involved in different areas of the project. I played a central role in the development of new ideas. My main tasks included designing wireframes, working out different design variants and developing the final design system together with my project partners.

Year – 2024
Period of time – 5 months
Team – Olivia Regattieri, Viktor Strömberg


Ticketmaster is a prominent platform that provides access to various live events in the areas of concerts, sports and more. However, user feedback shows that certain areas such as app navigation, seat selection and personalized event recommendations require attention. Our goal is to exceed the expectations of different user groups by ensuring a seamless and improved process for discovering events, purchasing tickets, as well as adding the ability to resell tickets through the application.

Competitor analysis

We first conducted a thorough competitor analysis to gain insight into the market and determine our product target. This process allowed us to gather valuable information and identify areas that are important for developing a product with broad consumer appeal.

How-might-we questions

After identifying pain points in the current Ticketmaster app using our online survey, we formulated ‘how could we’ questions to guide our conceptual and design approach. These questions aimed to turn insights into opportunities and develop innovative solutions.

Our main how-might-we questions relate to the following problems:
- How can we ensure that personalized recommendations for events appear on the home screen?
- How might we make the selection of seats for different price categories clearer?
- How can we make it possible for the purchaser to resell their ticket for the event in the case of illness?

Kano model

In the following phase, we used the Kano model to categorize functions and features based on relevance to the user and need for optimization and to prioritize the requirements, development tasks and customer wishes.

Design Brand Filters

The Design Brand Filters framework is a strategic approach to align user experience with a brand’s identity, ensuring consistent and relevant interactions. It focuses on four main attributes: reliability, informativeness, structure, and personalization. Reliability ensures intuitive design and clear navigation, while informativeness delivers structured and precise content.


The Mid-Fi wireframes aim to improve the user experience through simplified ticket selection and personalized event recommendations. They are crucial for the development of the app and facilitate design and functional improvements. The wireframes are a crucial step in refining the user journey and form a foundation for the final development phase of the app.


After creating various design variants, we decided on a final design that should reflect the magical feeling of an event and additionally inspire the user. We achieved this feeling through a colorful and dynamic background of the screens.

Also we have decided to change the name of the app from ticketmaster to tickethub and design a new logo for it. The star symbol in addition to the wordmark stands for inspiration and is intended to have a retro look to match the design elements in the background of the app.